Benny Blanco
Benny Blanco

Pop songs are like a D.J. set crammed into three minutes.

Carlene Carter
Carlene Carter

There are no rules when it comes to songwriting, so I'd turn Carter family songs from the 1930s into pop songs.

Christina Perri
Christina Perri

My earliest memories as a child are listening to Beatles records, and they are a big part of how I've learned to write pop songs.

David Hepworth
David Hepworth

Many pop songs seem to be more potent now than in their heyday.

David Ives
David Ives

I admire pop songs that are perfect at three minutes.

Eliza Doolittle
Eliza Doolittle

My music is not a particular genre. It's not bubblegum or cheese. It's just good songs, pop songs. It's just my songs.

Elvis Costello
Elvis Costello

Obviously I got known for some other songs early on, and some of those were rock'n'roll songs. Some of them were melodic pop songs. And I've done lots of different things, as you know, but every so often I get drawn back.

Emily Ratajkowski
Emily Ratajkowski

Pop music is always great for keeping the energy up, but it can get really old, especially after eight hours, just because there aren't that many great pop songs.

Eric Avery
Eric Avery

I feel that Jane's is really a vibe and a time. It wasn't like we were the Beatles. We didn't have crafty pop songs where it sort of didn't matter who played them because they're just really great songs.


I love pop songs so much and I don't put a ton of pressure on myself as a solo artist to always write the most commercial feeling thing, I just want to write things I would love to listen to.